Eagle Lake Road from South River to Rye Rd, about 40 mins. Make a right turn and take the 3rd small entrance on the right, before the hill on the property.
Eagle Lake Road from South River to Rye Rd, about 40 mins. Make a right turn and take the 3rd small entrance on the right, before the hill on the property.
Hwy 522 to Arnstein, to Seagull Lake Rd. To sign approx. 3 km back, if you get to Julius lake road you've gone too far. Call listing agents for directions.
The lot is situated 2 minutes east of the Village of Wendover, Ontario on the south side of Rue Principale between the properties of 2640 and 2598 rue Principale, Wendover.
Hwy 522 to Pine Grove Rd. to Pine Grove Landing, by boat head north head north on Toad Lake to the narrows. Continue through narrows to Little Long Lake. Lot is halfway down the lake on the south shore. Look for signs.
Hwy 522 to Pine Grove Rd. to Pine Grove Landing, by boat head north head north on Toad Lake to the narrows. Continue through narrows to Little Long Lake. Lot is halfway down the lake on the south shore. Look for signs.
Hwy 522 to Pine Grove Rd. to Pine Grove Landing, by boat head north head north on Toad Lake to the narrows. Continue through narrows to Little Long Lake. Lot is halfway down the lake on the south shore. Look for signs.